Weed Control & Fertilization

No matter what season it is, DMT Contractors can help you maintain and get rid of unsightly and unwanted weeds throughout your lawn. Our custom-fertilizing program will get rid of those unwelcome weed patches as quickly and effectively as possible. DMT Contractors will create a custom-fertilizing program to fit your lawn’s needs for spring, late spring, summer, late summer, or autumn. We offer a 5-Step fertilization plan to keep your grass clean of weeds and with constant lush life throughout the seasons.
Plant life needs up to 18 nutrients to thrive, so fertilizer is important for targeting the three elements lawns are usually deficient in. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are key to numerous processes in your grass from chlorophyll and amino acid production to photosynthesis and glycolysis. Nitrogen is often the supplement particularly needed as it gives your grass the fresh, healthy green glow you want. Potassium is also helpful to keep your turf strong so it can stay tough against winter weather, disease, drought, heat, and traffic.
Many people don’t realize, though, that it takes care to dole out just the correct amount of fertilizer/elements for what the lawn actually needs. That’s why we offer our custom program. Too much use of certain supplements can cause over-growth and weak roots, for example, which our professionals are trained to avoid. Too little an amount of something would obviously not allow your grass to get the deficiency top-up it really requires. In our fertilizer programs we work to ensure your yard gets what it needs, no more, no less. We also make sure the fertilization is done at the right time. If you put fertilizer down during the wrong type of weather, it can greatly decrease its potency. When you use DMT you know you’re getting quality professional service at reasonable prices to help make your lawn the best it can possibly be.
Call DMT Contractors today to discuss your property’s weed control and fertilization needs!
We can install mulch for you at $55 per yard as well. Mulch is a great choice for multiple reasons – it helps protect root systems, give nutrients to soil, retain moisture, slow topsoil erosion, and of course it keeps weeds at bay. It also can provide a dramatic cosmetic difference. We can spread and maintain various types of mulch for you.
Also, be sure to take a look into our lawn care maintenance services if you’d like to consider things like core aeration, overseeding, dethatching, and scheduled mowing. DMT Contractors offers sod installation and site preparation if you want a completely fresh start, too. Once you’ve got that bright, healthy new lawn back and those pesky weeds gone you want to keep everything as nice as possible all year round. We can help with that. Get in touch with us today to start seeing a greener, fuller, thicker lawn!
At we want to assist you in bringing new life back into your lawn, whether it’s commercial or residential. Make your property stand out with a perfectly manicured and well-kept lawn.
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or call us direct at 262-764-0292